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Package Size: 80 PK

Biodegradable Applicator. How to get the best protection and the most comfort from Tampax tampons: Your menstrual flow is often heavier at first then tapers off. For the best protection and the most comfort, choose the combination of absorbencies that is right for you. Tampax offers this range: Lights/Junior Absorbency- light flow days. Regular Absorbency- light to medium flow days. Super Absorbency- medium to heavy flow days. Super Plus Absorbency- very heavy flow days. Flushable, Biodegradable- Tampax tampons, cardboard applicators, and wrappers are flushable and biodegradable. Any toilet and drainline can clog if overloaded with bulk waste. For best results, flush tampon and applicator separately from bath tissue. Tampons come in the following standardized industry-wide absorbencies. Use the chart for comparing absorbencies of all industry products. The risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) increases with higher absorbency. In order to reduce your risk of TSS, you should use the lowest absorbency that meets your needs. Absorbency Ranges of Absorbency in Grams Junior Absorbency less than 6 Regular Absorbency 6 to 9 Super Absorbency 9 to 12 Super Plus Absorbency 12 to 15

Cotton and/or Rayon Fiber, Rayon Overwrap, Cotton Cord

Directions and Warnings:
Directions for use enclosed. Questions? Call Toll Free 1-800-523-0014 or visit tampax.comAttention: Tampons are associated with toxic shock syndrome (TSS). TSS is a rare but serious disease that may cause death. Read and save the enclosed information.

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We assure that ADV-Care Pharmacy provides a safe and secure shopping experience for all of our valued customers. is accredited by the Ontario College of Pharmacists