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For Oral, Rectal or Underarm Use. Fast, Easy-to-Read. Battery Included. Lifetime Warranty. Proven Accuracy. Beeps When Done. Easy-to-Read Display. Water Resistant for Easy Cleaning. On-Off Button (Shuts Off Automatically). Accu-Beep™ Feature Confirms Correct Use. Soft and Flexible for Added Comfort and Safety. Memory Feature Recalls Last Temperature Reading. Clinically Tested to Match B-D Glass Thermometer Accuracy. Tips for Using the B-D Flexible™ Digital: Your B-D Flexible™ Digital Thermometer is a durable and precise medical device. Here are some helpful hints to help you get the best performance from the product. In oral use, as with all thermometers, Keep Thermometer in place without shifting it in the mouth while taking temperature. Stay With Your Child During Temperature Taking to help assure proper use of the thermometer. Avoid Bending The Probe More Than 45° to prevent possible damage. Why did Becton Dickinson develop the Accu-Beep™ feature? With nearly 100 years of temperature taking experience, Becton Dickinson understood that most temperature taking problems are caused by technique errors, rather than thermometer malfunction. By beeping every 4 seconds, the Accu-Beep™ Digital helps reduce technique errors. What are common technique errors? Two common errors are shifting the thermometer around in the mouth and-or opening the mouth during temperature taking. Both of these errors expose the thermometer to a temperature that is cooler than the actual body temperature. How does the B-D Accu-Beep™ Digital reduce errors? The Accu-Beep™ Digital will beep every 4 seconds while the thermometers reading is rising. During correct temperature measurement, the reading will rise steadily (and the beeps will continue) until measurement completion. If however, the users mouth opens or the thermometer shifts from a warm to a cool place in the mouth, the thermometers reading will stop rising. This will interrupt the 4 second beeps, alerting the user to an error. How the B-D Accu-Beep™ Digital helps you. The Accu-Beep feature can reduce a parents anxiety during temperature taking. It can eliminate concern about correct thermometer placement and about the measurement going along properly. The Accu-Beep feature can also improve a childs willingness and ability to use the oral method. Children and parents who tested the Accu-Beep Digital discovered that some children who would not normally sit still for an oral reading would comply much more readily when using the Accu-Beep Digital. They accomplished this when their parent encouraged them to hold the thermometer still, and make it keep beeping. The children found that listening for the beeps made the temperature taking experience fun . What to do if the 4 second beep doesnt start. If the thermometer beep does not start properly when used by a child, it may be due to a placement problem. You can check this by trying the thermometer yourself. Will this Digital Thermometer read identically to a B-D Glass Thermometer? When used clinically (to measure body temperature) this B-D Digital thermometer is designed to provide the same accuracy that you are accustomed to with a B-D Glass thermometer. Many common Digitals provide slightly lower temperature readings when compared to glass, due to the heat lost to the Digital thermometer itself during temperature taking. Only B-D Digitals provide Accuracy Assurance and compensate for the loss of body heat around the thermometer. B-D Digitals match B-D Glass when used to measure body temperature. B-D and Accu-Beep are trademarks of Becton Dickinson and Company.


Directions and Warnings:
Please read full instructions inside before using. Step-By-Step Use Instructions: Press purple button to turn on the thermometer. A beep signal will sound, just for a second the display will show a function check and it means the thermometer is working properly. Observe last temperature reading. The thermometer remembers the last temperature it took. It will automatically show this last temperature after the 1 second function check. Observe thermometer is ready for use. After both the 1 second function check and the 3 second display of the last temperature, the display will start flashing. This flashing °F indicates the thermometer is ready to take a temperature. Take temperature by oral, rectal or underarm (axillary) method. Listen for beeps during temperature measurement. Soon after inserting the thermometer, the thermometer will start to beep once every four seconds. the steady beep, every four seconds, confirms effective temperature taking technique. As long as temperature measurement is progressing properly you will hear the beep every four second. the steady beep, every four seconds should continue until three rapid completion beeps are heard. The completion beeps are distinctly different from the steady 4 second beep. If the steady beep stops, and you do not hear the completion beeps, this is alerting you to an error in technique. The steady beep and temperature stop if the thermometer is shifted from a correct hot are to an incorrect cooler area during use. The steady beeps also will stop if the user opens mouth during temperature taking. If the steady beeps stop, remove the thermometer and turn it off. Then, turn the thermometer on and begin taking a new ready. Listen for completion beeps. Normally, the steady beep willl continue for about one minute, then you wil hear the three rapid completion beeps. These three rapid beeps confirm that the temperature measurement is complete. At this time the °F sign will also stop flashing. In axillary use, ignore the completion beeps and leave thermometer in place for a full four minutes. Read thermometer and record result. After hearing the three rapid beeps that signal completion, remove thermometer from mouth and read temperature on display, temperature reading will not change while the power remains on. It is advisable to inform your doctor any time a temperature is above 100°F. Press Purple Button to turn off the thermometer. If you forget to turn off the thermometer, it will turn off automatically in about 35 minutes. Use memory feature. The thermometer remembers the last temperature it took. When you turn the thermometer on, it will automatically show the last temperature it took, for 3 seconds. If you take a temperature and do not immediately record the results, the next time you turn on the thermometer, you can not your last temperature reading. the thermometer displays the last temperature taken only once, so if you turn the thermometer on and off more than once, the last temperature reading will not be there.

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