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Mefix consists of an apertured, non-woven polyester fabric coated with a layer of an acrylic adhesive, and protected on the roll by a release paper backing. The apertured structure imparts a degree of lateral extensibility and conformability to the product, which has a high tensile strength and must be cut with scissors. Mefix is available in a range of widths and is sometimes referred to as a dressing retention sheet. Because the tape is permeable to water vapour, it is unlikely to cause tissue maceration or be adversely affected by sweating. As both the fabric and the adhesive mass are radio-transparent, Mefix does not have to be removed if the patient is to be X-rayed. The high tensile strength and conformability of Mefix make it ideally suited for securing catheters and drainage tubes in position, and for the retention of dressings on joints or awkward body contours. It is particularly useful for retaining dressings on the sacral region in the management of decubitus ulcers. Mefix, like other dressing retention sheets, can also be used to produce island dressings with absorbent pads or hydrogel sheets and probably represents the best method for applying these types of product. As the tape is coated with an acrylic adhesive system, it may generally be used on patients who have exhibited an adverse reaction to adhesives based upon rubber or resin. The polyester fabric is very wear-resistant - once applied, it may be left in position for prolonged periods, if required.


Directions and Warnings:
The required length of Mefix is cut from the roll and the backing sheet removed. The backing paper may be split into two parts by breaking the perforation in the S-curve. Care should be taken to ensure that the tape is not applied under tension, if used over a joint, it is recommended that Mefix be orientated so that the direction of maximum extensibility of the fabric coincides with the direction of movement of the limb. The frequency of dressing changes will be governed by the condition of the underlying wound. Care should be taken to ensure that Mefix is not applied under tension, to prevent shearing forces causing damage to the skin. In common with all adhesive products, Mefix should be stored in a cool dry place, and not subjected to extremes of temperature or humidity.Mefix should not be applied to patients who are known to be sensitive to acrylic adhesives or to individuals who have very fragile or easily damaged skin.

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