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359679 Price: Call
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An elastomer system in TED Stockings is specially designed to speed blood flow by providing graduated compression with the most compression at the ankle and gradually diminishing pressure on the calf. These stockings are manufactured under the most rigid control inspections to assure the precise pressure necessary to discourage thrombus formations.


Directions and Warnings:
Wear Instructions: Insert hand into stocking as far as the heel pocket. Grasp center of heel pocket and turn stocking inside out. Carefully position stocking over foot and heel. Center heel in heel pocket. Pull stocking up and around ankle and calf, working up to the final position. Top of stocking should be 1 to 2 inches below bottom of knee cap. Smooth out any excess material. Do not under any circumstances turn down top of stockings, do not cover any portion of the knee. Care Instructions: To preserve life of stockings, launder every three days. Keep the stockings free from substances such as ointments, oils and lanolin which deteriorate elastic. Wash in water temperatures not to exceed 160F. Avoid excessive bleach. Dry in temperatures not to exceed 250F for no longer than 20 minutes. Remove from dryer promptly. Prolonged heat can reduce the stocking s wear life.Precautions: These stockings are only to be worn on the advice of your doctor and for the time period recommended. Stockings may not be recommended for patients with the following. (Ask your physician): Any leg condition in which stockings would interfere, such as: Dermatitis (skin problems), Vein ligation (recent leg surgery), Gangrene, Recent skin graft. Severe vascular diseases, such as arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) that cause poor circulation to the leg. Massive edema (swelling) of the legs, or pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs) from congestive heart failure. Extreme deformity of the leg.

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We assure that ADV-Care Pharmacy provides a safe and secure shopping experience for all of our valued customers. is accredited by the Ontario College of Pharmacists