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425975 Price: Call
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Magnets for Health & Comfort. Magnelyfe Bio Magnetic Bracelet. A perfect balance of copper and magnets...Designed to help make you more comfortable by re-energizing the magnetic field in your body. Sure-Flew design to fit any wrist...for both men and women! An attractive fashion accessory. For centuries magnetic bracelets have been worn to help re-charge the body s magnetic energy. Magnetic and copper bracelets are worn by many world class athletes and celebrities. In today s space capsules, Astronauts are surrounded by permanent magnets that create a magnetic field helping to maintain their health and well being. Magnelyfe s Sure-flex spring action bracelet fits any wrist...both men and women, and is an attractive fashion accessory. I ve found magnets bring significant relief from aches and discomfort especially related to physically active people. -Jules Trop, M.D., medical consultant to the NFL


Directions and Warnings:
Do not use if you are wearing a pacemaker or any electronic implant. Do not use if you are pregnant. Do not wear near your watch.

Secure Shopping Guarantee:
We assure that ADV-Care Pharmacy provides a safe and secure shopping experience for all of our valued customers. is accredited by the Ontario College of Pharmacists